Raising Gobblers

Most generally speaking there are two different classifications of turkeys, broad breasted and heritage. Broad Breasted are the turkeys that we are used to buying in the store and tend to grow faster and be much bigger than those classified as heritage breeds. As with meat chickens turkeys need to be fed properly for maximum growth and feed efficiency. Both Broad Breasted and Heritage breeds grow similarly the difference being that heritage breeds tend to talk a little longer to mature and be ready for the meat market.

Turkeys need high-protein diets which will change slightly as they grow. Turkeys should also be monitored and the protein levels as well as amounts of feed adjusted as they grow. Turkeys can experience health issues such as enlarged hearts and joint problems if not fed properly.

Feeding Program Turkeys.png

Turkeys should also NOT be housed with chickens or in areas that have previously held chickens unless proper sanitation practices have been implemented. Turkeys are susceptible to diseases and parasites carried by chickens and vice versa, one of the most common being black head. Black head is a parasitic infection that will cause liver damage and wasting disease like symptoms. Once contracted there are few visible symptoms until the birds begin to die and at that point there is not treatment or cure for the illness. There are a number of other illnesses that can affect you poultry and should be researched before beginning to keep your flock.

Information on this page is for reference only.


Growth Chart - Turkeys


Projected Growth Chart - Meat Chickens