2024 Seasons Greetings and All that is New!

January 2024

Good Day!

We are pleased to announce that we will be opening for the new season May 4th! John and I are excited to be returning to offer processing services for the 2024 season and we thank you for your past patronage and support.  We are currently booking birds for May dates and beyond and you may email, call or message us on Facebook to book your butcher date. Below are a few things to note for 2024.

*NEW* Poultry Processing Workshops - John and I are excited to offer chicken processing workshops. Workshops will be limited to 5-6 people per class date.  We will be covering the basics of broiler rearing as well as learn about and participate in the processing of your own bird.  Classes will be held on April 20th and 27th.  We will be filling seats 1st come 1st serve and a $50 deposit will be required at the time of reservation.  Processing classes will cost a total of $100 per person and will include handouts, the bird you will butcher and take home, your own cut glove and knife to keep and swag. Our day will begin at 9am and conclude at 4pm, lunch will be provided.

Communications - We request that when reaching out to us to book your dates or ask questions, that you do so through our official business connections.  You can do that through our Business Facebook Messenger, on our website, through email or a direct phone call.  Using these communication streams help us to not lose your requests which can happen if you are reaching out to us through our personal Facebook Pages or emails. We will continue to make reminder/check in calls a few days before your appointment.

Cancellations – We recognize that sometimes things happen; birds don’t get shipped, you have high death loss or maybe a family emergency.  It is important that you keep us updated on the status of your birds. A quick phone call or email is appreciated if you will not be needing your appointment or you have significantly less birds.

Pricing – For the 2024 season we are pleased to say that with some planning and thought we have been able to avoid a price increase for the current butcher season.

Packaging - Vacuum sealing for chicken parts continues to be a packaging option. This option will be available on ½, ¼ and full break down services. Vacuum sealing will be available at $1.00 a bag and you will be charged for the number of bags used on your order. You will be able to determine how many parts (Breast, Thigh, Leg, Wings, etc) you wish to have in a bag up to its max capacity. We will still offer our standard packaging (shrink, zip lock or meat trays) at no additional charge. Please visit our website or Facebook page for more specific information or to view the cut sheets. 

Booking Birds – Autumn will continue to butcher small amounts of Cornish Cross Broilers on Wednesdays from June until mid-August. Wednesday butcher dates will be available for Cornish Cross Meat birds only and will be limited to 30 birds. Due to changes in work schedules we are scaling back to butchering on Wednesdays and Saturdays only or as our schedules allow. We both are still working full time jobs and butchering on the side. Due to many reasons, there are not many dates available in August.  Please visit the website to keep up on availability to plan accordingly and plan to BOOK EARLY!

It is best if you schedule your butcher day when you order your chicks or when your birds arrive. We can help estimate when the best time would be to have your meat chickens and turkeys butchered based on age. It is best to book early to get a date that will work for you. Available Dates are listed on our website and we have a request form on the website for your convenience.

Butcher dates are not flexible. When you book a date that is your butcher date, we do not have the flexibility to move birds around, especially large numbers of birds. In addition to this you must know how many birds you are bringing to our facility. It is better to book for the full amount you order/receive than depend on death loss to lower your number. We will no longer accept extra birds that arrive with your reservation. Any extra bird that did not have an appointment will incur a $5 per bird surcharge.

Product Pick Up Day and Time – We will continue the policy of birds processed on Saturday will be available for pick up on Sunday afternoons between noon and 2pm. This allows us to work more efficiently and potentially accept more birds for processing. Ground meat orders will still take additional time since the meat needs to age and the grinding process takes more time. Wednesday processed birds will be scheduled for pick up based on a conversation with the customer and is variable.

Keeping up to date – We maintain a website (http://www.maplecreekpoultry.com/), a facebook page and e-newsletter. You can find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/maplecreekfarmpoultry or you can register to receive email letters and announcements via https://mailchi.mp/cdb85068651d/maplecreekfarmpoultry

We thank you for your past business and look forward to serving you again in 2023. Thank you for sharing our information with others and helping to promote our business.

Thank You! 

John and Autumn Lavine


Birds of A feather Should Not Flock Together!